It’s Up to You! Why Most People Fail to Live the Life they Want and How to Change It

New Direction, Clarity & Confidence!

Featuring 9 Life Leadership Strategies to Live the Life You Want, the Way You Want, How You Want.

Do you feel stuck in a rut and your life is on hold? Are you looking for new direction but don’t know which way to turn?

We all want to do more than just survive; we want to thrive. But if you’re trapped in the same old routine, now is the time to start living the life you were born to live—with abundance.

Your life situation today is the result of the choices you have made in the past. So to experience something different, you need to make different choices.

This book is your go-to manual if:

  • You need a break from the old and to take a new direction.
  • You desire greater success and fulfillment.
  • You seek the confidence to be yourself and not what others expect you to be.
“Don’t let life pass by you—let life pass through you!”


With over two decades of experience as a doctor, mentor and author, Dr. Scott Zarcinas has helped thousands of people get unstuck and back on track. Scott’s experiences, tips and strategies will help you find direction, maximise your potential, and create the life you deserve.

Available in print and ebook: ISBN: 9780648572657 (hc), ISBN: 9780648572640 (sc), ISBN: 9780648572633 (e)

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